Working From Home


If you have found yourself unexpectedly working from home in recent times due to the COVID-19 outbreak, you may be finding that staying productive at home can be challenging. Taking time to plan, ensuring your workspace is optimal, and creating a positive work-life are all important aspects to maintaining productivity.


Your ability to stay productive as you work from home can be interrupted by excessive distractions and frequent snacking. By taking practical steps you can improve your home office setup. Sometimes a little discipline is all it takes! Follow these steps to help with maintaining productivity.



Ensuring that you are comfortable as you work can improve your productivity. Start off by designating a quiet, bright space that is free from distractions. If you are limited by space – designate a specific area of your living area and pack away your work equipment when not in use.


Sit in a chair with a firm back support and keep your feet flat on the floor or place a box or book underneath them if they do not reach the floor. Keep your back in contact with the backrest as you work.

When using a laptop, use a laptop riser and external keyboard and mouse. Be creative and use household equipment you have such as a box to create a laptop riser if needed. If using a laptop on its own – place the keyboard at elbow height and push your screen back to ensure your neck is not in a constant bent position. Look down at your screen using your eyes only.



Create a realistic daily routine and develop positive habits as early as possible. Get up at your usual time and get dressed as if you were going into the office. Stick to your usual work hours where possible.


Set yourself realistic and achievable daily goals to help you stay focused and productive. Start a habit of doing this each morning.




Keeping a good work-life balance can be tricky if your work place is your home. To avoid becoming overworked or feeling anxious, take time to relax and do something which you enjoy. Switch off your work devices when you finish your workday.


Why not incorporate daily mindfulness or meditation to help you switch off from work? Check out our recent blog where we discuss meditation apps to try out.



Stay connected to your colleagues virtually. Try to keep work channels free from social chat but create social means of communication also.


It’s important to try to remain social, even if it is virtual. You don’t always have to talk about work with your colleagues. Similarly, use virtual means to communicate with friends and family.


Maintain a healthy diet and avoid snacking throughout the day. A challenge when you may even be working next to the fridge! This is an area where we need to plan and be disciplined. Avoid overeating sugary or fatty snacks. Have healthy snack options such as nuts, seeds, and fruit close by so you always have a better option available. Eat mindfully, and away from your desk. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the day.


Keeping your body physically healthy will help you stay focused during these unsettling times. Incorporate regular physical activity into your days – why not try out an online exercise class. If you are permitted to and can do it safely – get outside for a lunchtime walk.




Move regularly- do not stay in the same position for long periods. Change your posture at least every 30 minutes as you work. This will help prevent injury and keep you comfortable, we are more likely to be productive when we feel comfortable. Sometimes we move more frequently when we are reminded to – check out our blog on break reminder apps.


By creating a comfortable workspace, moving lots, eating healthily, drinking plenty of water, and setting realistic goals you’re more likely to be productive when working at home.


Fit For Work provide a range of ergonomics services which are suitable for those working from home/remotely or those who are office based. To learn more about office setup and good ergonomics principles, you can reach out to Fit for Work at to talk about how an ergonomic programme within your office can increase productivity, increase staff satisfaction, improve staff retention and reduce sick leave.

Prashanth Nair

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