Ergonomic Risk Management
We will help you to develop and implement a systematic process that communicates information to ensure that adequate and feasible solutions to ergonomic risks can be implemented to improve the health and well-being of the workforce.
Human factors such as work patterns, working environment, office design and daily tasks can significantly impact workplace safety. Our ergonomists will audit these human factors as part of our ergonomic risk management services. We will then provide a detailed report that will help you implement holistic and practical solutions to improve the health and well-being of your workforce.
Our Ergonomic Risk Management services are handled by experienced ergonomists who have either a healthcare background with a certification in ergonomics or are qualified in ergonomics and human factors. They have the qualifications to perform ergonomic risk management for different types of working environments.
As part of our risk management process, our ergonomists will perform a comprehensive audit of your workplace. This audit is customised for your company and may involve assessing workplace layout and areas of operation, assessing temperature and noise, reviewing manual handling techniques and more. The purpose of the audit is to identify ergonomic risks, manual handling risks and other workplace risks.
We have a structured process in place to ensure we don’t miss anything. This way, we can provide you with a detailed actionable report that will aid in the development, implementation and management of cost-effective ergonomic solutions. Our risk management services apply to offices and industrial workplaces.
Any ergonomics hazard can cause injury and health issues if not properly addressed. The earlier you detect it, the more chances of preventing long-lasting health impacts. At Ergo Global, we have a global network of qualified ergonomists who can help you identify and eliminate ergonomic hazards to make your workplace a safer place for everyone.