Working From Home


These are unprecedented times due to the current COVID-19 outbreak. Working from home has become an ongoing reality for many. Given that this has occurred unexpectedly, your home office set up may not be well planned out. Long hours, at a poorly designed workspace, can impact negatively your health.


It is worth putting some time and effort into creating an ergonomically friendly home office. At Fit for Work SG we provide a Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation service. This allows you to meet with an Ergonomics Specialist for 30 minutes via video conference.



A well-designed work station is selected and adjusted to fit you. It is a comfortable place to work and supports your body well. An Ergonomics Specialist can advise and direct you to improve your set up appropriately. This can be done whilst taking into account the equipment and furniture you have and are currently working with.


Here are some common issues experienced when using a poorly designed work station.


  • Neck Pain – Sometimes called text neck. Frequently this is due to prolonged use of handheld devices such as smartphones. Try to keep devices at eye level to avoid excessive bending of the neck.
  • Back Pain– There are many causes for this in a poorly designed workstation. One common issue is inadequate back support. Ensure that you are sitting in a chair with firm back support and keep the backrest in contact with your back as you work.
  • Eye Strain – Typically occurs with excessive screen use or inadequate lighting. Ensure you are taking regular breaks from your screen. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule; For every 20 minutes spent looking at a screen, take 20 seconds to look at least 20 feet away.
  • Painful Finger and Wrists– Maintaining awkward postures with our wrists and hands can lead to strain. Keep all devices such as your keyboard and mouse close to you. Keep your wrists straight – not bent up or down as you work
Don’t be tempted to assume awkward sitting postures when working from home


Above are just some of the typical musculoskeletal issues you may experience when using a poorly designed workspace. Luckily, the solution can often be quite simple and easily addressed with the support of an Ergonomics Specialist.



Aim to regularly change your posture from, sitting, standing and walking. Always remember to move at least every 45 minutes to one hour. When you find yourself unconsciously moving in your chair, you have either sat for too long and need to move, or, you are not positioned correctly. Or potentially both!


A Virtual Ergonomics Evaluation can help you to identify and address issues with your home work station.


To learn more about office setup and good ergonomics principles, you can reach out to Fit for Work at to talk about how an ergonomic programme within your office can increase productivity, increase staff satisfaction, improve staff retention and reduce sick leave

Georgina Hannigan

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