Ergonomics in Sports: Skiing & Snowboarding

Ergonomics in Sports: Skiing & Snowboarding

Written by
Georgina Hannigan
Posted on
06 Jan, 2022

Lie in the sun with a glass of wine on top of the mountain, or go faster than a car on your skis. Winter has arrived and many of us head to the slopes to enjoy the annual ski trip. If it’s your first time or you’re a pro, always think about your body, such as your back or knees or the risk of injury. Skiing or snowboarding is a very challenging exercise and you need to make sure that your body and back are healthy.

Remaining injury-free

Read our tips on how to enjoy skiing and/or snowboarding while remaining injury-free:

Pre ski/snowboarding

Start preparing your body long before skiing or snowboarding; The best situation is to start preparing your body about 6 weeks before your trip. In the run-up to your vacation, correct your sitting posture at work and exercise to strengthen your muscles. Try to avoid sliding as it will weaken your muscles which increases the risk of injuries. Most people go from no sports and sitting behind their desks to a week of full exercise. It’s too easy to finish that last piece of work before your holiday starts, but prioritise exercise, so you can enjoy your trip and return to work injury-free.
Check your equipment; Maybe you are going to rent equipment or you have your equipment, check everything every year. There could be unpleasant surprises. Visually inspect your equipment (bindings and shoes), check the condition of your bases and edge, apply a universal wax (all snow conditions) with a waxing iron, and scape the edges. Don’t forget to give your ski or snowboard gear some well-earned treatment before putting it away until the snow returns for next year. Other equipment? Always wear a helmet, as head injuries are one of the most common injuries at the slopes.

During ski

Start with stretching; because it’s important to prepare your body a few weeks in advance, it’s equally important to warm up your body every morning before you are going on the slopes. Start with some light stretches or warm-up movements when you come out of bed and just before you hit the slopes. A cold body has more risk of injuries.
Relax!; Remember you are there to enjoy yourself. So smile, even if it is forced at first, it will help you relax and enjoy the sensation. If you are relaxed, you have less chance of injury. Also, don’t forget to breathe, this helps you get more oxygen and less muscle soreness. By relaxing your body and mind, you will have a much better experience on the slopes.

Post ski

Hold your body warm; If you stop exercising too suddenly after a whole day of exercising it’s important to keep your body warm and stretch. You want your body to return to how it was before you started your skiing trip. Skiing and snowboarding put a lot of stress on the joints, especially the knees. Using the spa after moving all day the hill relieves your joints of this pressure, allowing them to relax.

How can Fit for Work help?

For more information about Ergonomics Self Assessment and Education Tool or support to stay legally compliant, reach out to Fit for Work and discover how to help you develop, maintain, and support your ergonomics program. For more information on our Ergonomics Self-Assessment and Education Tool, contact us.

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Georgina Hannigan

Founder & CEO of Ergo Global


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