A Work From Home Reminder
Working From Home

A Work From Home Reminder

Written by
Georgina Hannigan
Posted on
05 Oct, 2020

For many, it is now over six months since the move to full-time work from home commenced. What we first thought could be a short term scenario, is now, most definitely, long term! At this point, it is important to revisit how best to set up your space for home working. An ergonomically designed home office can improve your comfort and productivity as your work. You may have found yourself moving through periods of good routine to not so good routine, this is normal when balancing remote working and everyday life. It’s not too late to think about your work set-up and daily habits, small changes may make a big difference.

Let’s refresh your memory on how best to set up your home office.


Chose a quiet space, free from distractions. If this has not been quite working for you, consider moving your workstation if possible or having a conversation with household members about working boundaries. Distractions like your smartphone or TV can be tempting in a home working environment, be disciplined, avoid these as much as possible. If your workspace is your kitchen table or living room, consider packing away your work equipment at the end of the day when not in use.


This includes everything you need to do your job at home; for example, a chair, a desk, a laptop, a keyboard, a mouse, and/or a monitor. Check-in on our previous blog where we discussed how best to set up each piece of equipment. If you have been managing with just a laptop, now may be the time to consider investing or asking your IT dept for a separate keyboard and mouse, along with a laptop riser. Or create a laptop riser with a box or stack of books.


Many of our clients have reported less movement when they work from home. Maybe you are missing your morning walk to work or you move around to attend in-person meetings regularly when in the office. Why not consider going out for a walk to replace the commute? Make it a daily habit if possible. Consider using earphones and standing or moving around when taking a call. Ensure you move every 30-45 minutes.


The lines here are easily blurred when working from home. If you have found achieving balance here challenging as you work from home, you are not alone! Do try to stick to your regular work hours as much as possible. Finish work at your designated time and pack away/ switch off your work devices when not working. During the day, try to eat lunch away from your workstation, take a lunch break just as you would in the office.

Use this work-from-home reminder to get back on track and improve your productivity for the weeks ahead.


Fit For Work provide a range of ergonomics services that are suitable for those working from home/remotely or those who are office-based. To learn more about office setup and good ergonomics principles, you can reach out to Fit for Work to talk about how an ergonomic programme within your office can increase productivity, increase staff satisfaction, improve staff retention and reduce sick leave. 

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Georgina Hannigan

Founder & CEO of Ergo Global


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