10 benefits of plants in the office and home workspace: enhancing physical and mental well-being
Stress management

10 benefits of plants in the office and home workspace: enhancing physical and mental well-being

Written by
Georgina Hannigan
Posted on
07 Jul, 2023

Table of contents:

1. Introduction

2. Choosing the right plants in the workplace

3. Incorporating plants in the home office

4. 5 physical benefits of plants in your employees’ workplace and home office

4.1 Enhanced quality of air

4.2 Reduced Sick Building Syndrome

4.3 Increased humidity

4.4 Noise reduction

4.5 Eye strain relief

5. 5 mental benefits of plants in your employees’ workplace and home office

5.1 Stress reduction

5.2 Enhanced mood

5.3 Increased creativity

5.4 Improved mental focus

5.5 Boosted morale and job satisfaction

6. Embracing the green advantage: the power of plants in your office and home workspace

Did you know that there have been several studies indicating a link between green spaces and overall well-being? It’s pretty interesting! Lately, there has been a growing trend in biophilic office design, which involves incorporating elements of nature into the workplace.

It seems like people are really enjoying the presence of plants in the office, both the workplace and home workspace. In fact, around 70% of individuals have mentioned that nature enhances the atmosphere in these environments. What a benefit!

Additionally, about 31% of people have found that having greenery and plants in office space actually helps them focus better while they’re working.

Let your employees enjoy plants in the office, even when they’re working at home! Read on to find out how it can help them become better at their beloved jobs. 

In this blog, you will learn about choosing the right greens for the office, the considerations in incorporating botanicals in the home office, the physical and mental benefits of plants in the office, and more.

Choosing the right plants in the workplace

When it comes to selecting botanicals for office spaces, there are a few factors to keep in mind. Let’s delve into some key considerations for choosing the right ones:

Low-maintenance and resilient plant species:

It’s crucial to select plants that can thrive in an office environment, where regular care and maintenance may be limited. Look for plants known for their resilience and ability to withstand fluctuations in watering schedules or occasional neglect. Some popular choices include pothos, snake plants, ZZ, and succulents.

Your employees may find it fun and relaxing to look after the plants in the office environment, but, of course, they should not be too distracted. They should not require too much attention.

Consideration of light and temperature conditions:

consider lighting for office plants

Different plants have varying light and temperature requirements. Assess the available natural light in your office space and determine whether it’s bright and sunny or more shaded. Some botanicals prefer direct sunlight, while others thrive in low-light conditions. Similarly, consider the temperature range of your office and choose ones that can tolerate the indoor climate.

Size and space requirements:

Take into account the available space in your employees’ offices when selecting plants. If you have limited floor space, opt for ones that can fit on desks or shelves, such as small potted plants or hanging planters. For larger office spaces, you can consider taller ones or those spread horizontally. It’s essential to ensure that they won’t obstruct movement or impede productivity.

Remember that the plants should not be placed in a way that’s against ergonomic principles. Read our blog that gives insights about the ergonomic surroundings of a workstation.

Plants that thrive in indoor environments:

choose plants that thrive indoors

Certain leafy species are better suited for indoor environments due to their adaptability to lower light levels and controlled temperatures. Some examples include peace lilies, spider plants, Chinese evergreens, and pothos. These can flourish in the typical conditions found in office settings, enhancing the aesthetics and air quality.

If the plants in your offices don’t flourish, it will defeat their purpose. The benefits of indoor plants in the office also come from the botanicals’ health.

By considering low-maintenance options, light and temperature requirements, size and space constraints, and plants suitable for indoor environments, you can choose the right plants at work that will thrive in your office space and contribute to a pleasant and productive work environment. 

These will optimise the benefits of botanicals in the office of your employees. So embrace the power of nature in the office to create a greener, healthier, and more enjoyable workspace for everyone.

Incorporating plants in the home office

benefits of plants in the home office

Transforming your employees’ home office into a green oasis by incorporating nature can profoundly impact their well-being and productivity. Let’s explore some key considerations you can share with them for successfully integrating plants into their home office:

Placement and arrangement of plants for optimal benefits:

Strategically placing and arranging botanicals in your home office can maximise the benefits. Consider adding greens near your desk or within their line of sight to create a visually calming and refreshing atmosphere. You can also position the greens in corners or empty spaces to fill the room with vibrant greenery. 

By thoughtfully arranging plants, you can create a harmonious and balanced environment that promotes a sense of tranquillity and focus. Of course, plants in the home office benefit from your surroundings, too. You should make sure to place the botanicals in the right area, and you will enjoy their optimised benefits!

Integration of plants with office decor and design:

To seamlessly incorporate nature in your home office, you should ensure the plants complement your home office decor and design. For example, if your office space has a minimalist and clean aesthetic, you could opt for a sleek and modern plant, such as a peace lily or a ZZ plant. On the other hand, if your office space has a more rustic or bohemian vibe, you could choose ones like the spider or pothos plants.

Additionally, you can consider the aesthetic appeal of different varieties and select ones that align with your personal style and the overall ambience you want to create in your workspace.

Selection of suitable plant containers and accessories:

place plants in suitable containers

Choosing suitable botanical containers and accessories is essential for both functionality and aesthetics. You should opt for containers that provide adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging and maintain the health of your botanicals. You can also explore various styles and materials, such as ceramic pots, hanging planters, or wall-mounted planters, to add a touch of personal flair to your home office. 

Consider incorporating accessories like stands, trellises, or decorative pebbles to elevate the visual appeal and showcase your plants in an appealing way.

By carefully considering the placement and arrangement of flora, integrating them harmoniously with your home office decor and design, and selecting suitable containers and accessories, you can create workspaces that embrace the natural beauty of nature while promoting a productive and inspiring work environment. 

Let your staff transform their home office into a green sanctuary that energises and uplifts them throughout your workday!

Continue reading to explore the health benefits of plants in the office and home workspace.

5 physical benefits of plants in your employees’ workplace and home office

Incorporating nature into your employees’ workplace and home office not only adds a touch of natural beauty but also brings about numerous physical benefits. Let’s explore five key advantages of having plants in your workspace:

Enhanced quality of air

Plants act as natural air purifiers, getting rid of pollutants and toxins through photosynthesis. By introducing plants in the office or home office, you can enhance air quality by reducing unsafe substances, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and increase the amount of oxygen in the air. 

This can result in a healthier and more refreshing breathing environment—one of the benefits of plants in the office your employees can get.

Reduced Sick Building Syndrome

plants reduce sick building syndrome

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is when individuals experience discomfort or health issues due to spending time in a particular building. Botanicals can help alleviate SBS symptoms by filtering the air and reducing the concentration of airborne contaminants

Plants in the office can contribute to a cleaner and healthier indoor environment, thereby reducing the risk of respiratory problems and other health-related issues.

Increased humidity

Indoor environments, especially those with air conditioning or heating systems, can often have low humidity levels. This can lead to dryness and discomfort, potentially causing dry skin, irritated eyes, and respiratory problems. 

Greens release moisture through transpiration, which can help increase humidity levels naturally. The benefits of plants in the office include a more balanced and comfortable atmosphere.

Noise reduction

The leaves, branches, and other elements of plants can act as natural sound absorbers, helping to dampen and reduce noise levels in your workplace or home office. This is particularly beneficial in environments with high levels of ambient noise or open-plan offices, where distractions can hinder concentration and productivity. 

Incorporating plants can create a more peaceful and serene atmosphere, allowing you to focus better and work without unnecessary disruptions. It seems impossible, but noise reduction is one of the benefits of plants in the office! 

Eye strain relief

plants help prevent eye strain

Staring at computer screens or engaging in prolonged focused work can strain your eyes. Plants, with their green foliage and natural patterns, can provide a visual respite and help reduce eye fatigue

Therefore, one of the benefits of plants in the office and home workspace is that they can offer a soothing contrast to the harsh artificial lighting often found in office settings, promoting eye relaxation and reducing the risk of eye strain.

Ergonomics can also address eye strain through proper lighting. If you’re curious, here’s a comprehensive blog about lighting ergonomics.

Plants in the workplace are said to relieve stress. Would you believe it’s one of the benefits of plants in the office and home workspace? Learn more about that interesting fact as you continue reading.

5 mental benefits of plants in your employees’ workplace and home office

The presence of plants in your workplace and home office adds aesthetic appeal and numerous mental benefits. Let’s explore five key advantages of having plants in the office and home office:

Stress reduction

Being surrounded by nature has been shown to reduce stress levels. The sight of greenery and nature has a calming effect on the mind, helping to alleviate tension and anxiety. 

One of the mental benefits of greenery in the office is that they create a soothing and tranquil environment, promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being.

Enhanced mood

plants help enhance employees’ mood

Greenery in the office has a positive impact on mood and emotional well-being. Interacting with nature and green spaces has been linked to improved mood and increased positive emotions. Hence, plants increase productivity.

You will witness how botanicals in your employees’ workplace can uplift their spirits, creating a more cheerful and pleasant atmosphere. There are a lot of benefits from a touch of nature at work when you feel stressed out.

Increased creativity

The presence of plants can stimulate creativity and enhance problem-solving abilities. The natural elements and colours of plants can inspire innovative thinking and fresh ideas. 

Hence, one of the benefits of plants in the office is the spark of creativity they give, which fosters a more imaginative and productive mindset.

Improved mental focus

Plants can help improve mental focus and concentration. As mentioned, the visual appeal of plants provides a refreshing break for the eyes, reducing eye strain and mental fatigue

Plants in the office help combat distractions, allowing your employees to maintain focus and work with greater clarity and efficiency.

Boosted morale and job satisfaction

plants boost employee moral and job satisfaction

The introduction of nature in the office has been associated with increased job satisfaction, improved employee morale, and reduced feelings of burnout. Yes, they are also one of the many benefits of botanicals!

Employees experiencing burnout are at a higher risk of resigning, leading to increased expenses in terms of recruitment. Employees lacking a support system for work-life balance were more likely to plan their exit within two years, with 25% considering quitting, compared to 17% who felt supported. 

That’s why you must consider incorporating nature in the workplace; it’s part of investing in improving your employees’ work situation. Plants in the office offer psychological benefits that can help you in the long run.

You can also consider implementing wellness programs. Our Wellness Event Organisation will develop, organise, and host wellness activities for your employees. Ask us today!

Embracing the green advantage: the power of plants in your office and home workspace

Incorporating plants in the office and home workspace brings numerous physical and mental benefits. Plants improve air quality, reduce the occurrence of Sick Building Syndrome, increase humidity, provide noise reduction, and relieve eye strain. 

Some more benefits are that they contribute to stress reduction, enhance mood, boost creativity, improve mental focus, and increase morale and job satisfaction. With their ability to create a soothing and productive environment, plants can enhance well-being, productivity, and overall enjoyment in the workspace.

plants help employees perform better

By placing botanicals into your workplace, you can achieve a favourable return on investment (ROI) while prioritising employee health. As part of the benefits, improved air quality and reduced stress levels contribute to a healthier workforce, leading to decreased absenteeism and increased productivity. 

Additionally, one of the benefits is that the enhanced aesthetics of a green workspace create a positive appeal to clients and visitors, potentially attracting new business opportunities. Investing in greenery demonstrates your commitment to employee well-being and can result in a more engaged and satisfied workforce, ultimately driving the success of your business.

You have learned about the benefits of having live plants in the office; it’s also the right time to consider implementing the correct ergonomics at your employees’ workplace.

Book a consultation with our Ergonomic Risk Management, through which we can help you solve problems before they even arise! It’s about time you discover the risk factors for your company and eliminate them.

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